Enjoy Sudoku

The best Sudoku apps

Support for Mac OS X Versions

 • Manual
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The first place to look for help is in the manual. Click on ♡ Sudoku Help or ♡ Sudoku Daily Help in the Help menu, to find all kinds of useful information, both about Sudoku and using the app.



Having problems? - The first thing to try is to be sure you are running the most recent version of (heart) Sudoku or Sudoku Daily. Check for application updates to see if a more recent version is available.

Why don't you do ________? - We constantly get feature requests for features we already have. Check the settings page, there may well already be a setting to do what you want. If it isn't already available, feel free to send us feedback asking for it.

I found a puzzle with no solution or two solutions? - Every puzzle in ♡ Sudoku is a valid Sudoku puzzle with a single solution that can be determined with logic alone. People often tell us that they found a puzzle with no solution or two solutions. However, when they send us a screenshot of the puzzle, it invariably turns out that they have made a mistake somewhere and the puzzle has exactly one solution.

If you get to a point where you think the puzzle has no solution, double check your existing entries carefully. It's fairly common to accidentally enter an incorrect digit early on in the solving process, and not notice a problem until much later. If you can't see the problem you can use Check Entries or ask for a hint, either of which will normally tell you where you've made a mistake.

If there aren't any mistakes, you can use "Show Solution", on the hint menu, to see the solution to the puzzle. Alternatively, you can step through the solving steps using hints to see the full logical sequence.

Another very common mistake is an incorrect identification of a deadly rectangle which appears to indicate that the puzzle has two solutions. Remember, a deadly rectangle must have cells in only two blocks and none of the cells can be clues. If you cannot figure out what's going on, get a screenshot of the puzzle and send it to us.

How can I turn pencil mode on and off from the keyboard? - The space bar will toggle pencil mode on/off.



When all else fails, you can contact tech support via email.
